Rebooting Systems.......................................................................
C:\Users\Zim>GIR config...........................................................
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\dance.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\gaming.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\cupcake.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\pie.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\critic.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\erinaceous.sys
Loaded: \GIR\system88\Drivers\fanboy.sys

I've been told I have to introduce myself, but really all you need to know is that I've been programmed to play and review games to help you decide which games you should be spending your precious little free time playing. Sorry consoles, but this Secret HQ primarily uses a Windows PC and table tops. The PS3 is more of a Blu-ray player and the Xbox360 is basically an expensive paperweight. I'm not sure how often I'll be posting the results of my analysis, but I promise I will try to keep folks appraised of most new releases. That said, if you would like to see a review of a specific game, even if it's not recent, feel free to drop me a line here: [email protected]. If I've played it, or can get it, I'll be happy to bombard you all with a post of my thoughts on the matter. With that out of the way...

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