Time for another giveaway! A couple of weeks ago I did a necro-review of F.E.A.R. for the PC. Now I am giving away a copy of the game for any interested readers out there.
The rules for this giveaway are as follows:
1) Join our Steam group, if you are not already a member, you can join HERE.
2) Go to THIS discussion thread in the Steam group.
3) Post a reply in the thread containing both of the following:
a. A quote from the F.E.A.R. review that makes you interested in playing the game (the quote must not be the same quote used by the response posted directly above yours in the thread, which does not apply to the first poster).
b. In my review I stated that the music of the game sounded like it was inspired by the music from a movie. State the name of that movie.
Disclaimer: You cannot win if you are one of our recent winners. (specifically: “Cali Yo”, sorry, but you will have more opportunities in the future.)
You have until Friday January 9th at 8 pm EST to enter. At that time, I will make a list of the eligible entries and I will use Random.org to pick a winner.
Good Luck!
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